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Emergency Medical Insurance

Travel easier with Multi-Trip Travel Medical Insurance Plans

    Illustration - Family at theme park

    It’s true. Even when making short trips across the border or across Canada, the Ministry of Health recommends travel medical insurance. You don’t have to carry individual travel insurance policies for every trip. For one, it’s a lot to carry, and two, it’s so much to coordinate and organize. Look for a Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Plan. These plans are an easy and convenient way to travel insured with the same features and benefits of an individual travel insurance plan. You’ll save time and money, especially because you travel many times a year.

    Multi-Trip Travel Medical Insurance Plans cover you for up to a select number of days of unlimited trips outside of Canada for 12 months at a time. Plus, you can buy additional coverage if any of your trips exceed the day limit. If you’re only travelling within Canada, you’re covered for up to 365 days of unlimited trips, for 12 months at a time.

    When you map out your travel plans for the rest of the season, take advantage of Multi-Trip Travel Medical Insurance Plans:

    • Multi-Trip plans cover you for up to 12 months

    • Unlimited trips of up to a select number of days outside of Canada, and unlimited trips of up to 365 days at a time for travel within Canada

    • Cost effective and saves time

    • Same full coverage and benefits as individual travel medical insurance plans

    Contact your travel insurance provider today to learn more about a Multi-Trip plan option.

    As a CAA-owned company, Orion Travel Insurance is available through our partnerships with CAA Clubs. Learn more here.